The EA’s Communications and Publications Committee (CPC) held its 26th meeting. The representatives met in Istanbul to discuss news on EA’s website, brochures, social media, review of documents and exchange of experiences as well as other topics on the agenda. This was Peter Kronvall’s second meeting as chairman.

Picture: Participants from nearly 20 accreditation bodies were present, as well as a representative from the stakeholder IIOC (Independent International Organization for Certification).
Photo: Johan Mikaelsson/Swedac

The CPC meeting was held September 4-5 in Istanbul, at Green Park Hotel, steps away from Taksim Square. As usual, a long agenda was reviewed and workgroups reported about work that has been done since the last meeting.

A central issue receiving much attention concerns proposals for a new EA logo. A draft has been selected by the CPC and was identified as the favorite to present to the Executive Committee. The next step is for Peter Kronvall, the CPC chair from Swedac, to present the draft at the next meeting for the Executive Committee in Madrid on 24-25 September.
Our hope is that the logo should be accepted by the Executive Committee at the meeting. The new logo will be able to strengthen EA’s identity and brand and give a modern appearance, said Peter Kronvall.

The current logo has technical flaws and all can see that the new logo will be better and more reflect the
EA as a modern organization.
Much of the process has been about getting as many as possible within the CPC to agree on one common proposal. Different designs could resemble flags and symbols which have historical and political meaning to some while being neutral to others.
After approval, the next step is to use the new logo. It will be made visible on the website, in documents
and in all contexts where EA is visible.

We also had an open discussion on social media. The accreditation bodies have different maturity. Some already have pages on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, while others are still considering what
to do
, said Peter Kronvall.
For EA’s part a lot of information can be disseminated on the website. A recurring question is how the flow of news could be enhanced. It is also a question about time and resources.

We continue to develop the process to produce more relevant news to target audiences. Here all accreditation bodies contribute with texts, Peter said.

New brochures will also be developed to disseminate information on accreditation and EA’s role
in the system. The EU Commission and national parliaments across Europe are natural target groups.

One item on the agenda is to share experiences of what is going on in the communications field for the respective accreditation body. Through the work of the Committee the formal cooperation as well as more informal work-related ties between accreditation bodies are strengthened. Much work is done in the Task Force Groups between the meetings. The exchange is also constant between the representatives. It strengthens both the EA and the individual accreditation bodies when it comes to their work on communication with the outside world.

FACTS EA Meetings (or make link)
September 4 to 5, Istanbul: Communications and Publications Committee (CPC)
September 9th, London: Laboratory Committee Management Group
10 September, London: EA Laboratory Committee
16 September, Brussels: Horizontal Harmonization Committee
September 24 to 25, Madrid: Executive Committee
September 30, Brussels: MAC Management Group
30 SeptOct. 1, Athens: Certification Committee
October 1-2, Brussels: MAC
October 1st, Denmark: WG ILC Calibration
October 2nd, Athens: Inspection Committee
October 3, Denmark: WG ILC Testing
October 3, Brussels: MAC WG Training
October 21, Helsinki: Certification Committee of the EU ETS Network Meeting
October 22, Brussels: EA Advisory Board Meeting
October 28 and 29, Malta: EA CC Refresher Training Workshop on ISO / IEC 17065: 2012 (two one-day)
November 18, The Hague: Executive Committee
November 19-20, The Hague: General Assembly