On 9-10 March 2015, the EA Executive Committee was hosted at BELAC offices in Brussels for its 97th meeting. The agenda covered issues regarding accreditation not based on harmonized standards, the impact of Regulation (EC) 765/2008 article 7, the TTIP agreement, the EA strategy project for 2025, etc.

Picture: front of the building where BELAC is located in Brussels, Belgium.

The EA Executive Committee meetings are always days of intense work with professional negotiation of difference stands in a variety of issues. On a personal level, I enjoy the process where highly skilled and professional peers work through issues bound to generate discussions among the Committee members. The ability to solve these discussions is one of our key strengths”, said Thomas Facklam, the EA Chair.

Following an introduction by Thomas Facklam, the Committee purposefully worked their way through the extensive agenda.

During the Brussels meeting, the Committee agreed among others:
– to establish a task force group to address accreditation not based on harmonized standards;
– on how to handle cross-frontier issues related to level 3, 4 and 5 standards;
– to establish a task force group addressing specified issues related to the negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

Personally, I find the Executive Committee’s 2025 Strategy project amongst the most interesting current issues, and we are looking forward to involving the EA membership in the discussions”, concluded Geir Samuelsen, the EA Vice-Chair.

Peter Kronvall
EA CPC Chairman