On 19-20 November 2014, the EA General Assembly, acting upon the Executive Committee’s recommendation, has appointed Natalija Jovicic-Zaric from the Serbian NAB (ATS) to be the acting Chair of the EA Laboratory Committee until the next elections of the Executive Committee in May 2015.

Further to the sad and sudden death of Paolo Bianco which had left vacant the EA LC’s chairmanship in October 2014, Natalija Jovicic-Zaric as the EA Laboratory Committee Vice-Chair has been appointed by the EA General Assembly to be the acting EA LC Chair until May 2015.

Natalija is a master of science (MSc) in mechanical engineering (field of industrial engineering); she graduated from the University of Belgrade, Facility of Mechanical Engineering, Serbia. Before she joined ATS in 1999 (Laboratory Department), Natalija had gained her experience in the industrial sector (HVAC equipment) in the field of quality assurance and conformity assessment (testing, verification).

From 2007, Natalija has been active within the EA LC as an ATS representative. She took on the role of convener of the EA LC Technical Network for Mechanical/Electrical Testing three years ago; she will continue her role as this convener. Natalija became the EA LC Vice-Chair two years ago. Until October 2014, she was assisting the EA LC Chair, Paolo Bianco, in the daily management of the Committee.

Being the acting LC Chair, Natalija becomes de facto a member of the EA Executive Committee.