The EA General Assembly held on 25 and 26 November 2015 in Budapest, Hungary, celebrated EA’s 15th anniversary while paying homage to five leaving members of the EA Executive Committee.

The Hungarian national accreditation body (NAB), NAT, hosted the 36th EA General Assembly which not only marked EA’s 15th anniversary, but also the forthcoming renewal of the Executive Committee’s membership. Both were opportunities for fine words and festivities.

The day after the superb dinner and party offered by NAT to celebrate EA’s 15th anniversary in 2015, the EA General Assembly had to say goodbye to the Executive Members who had decided to step down.

A glowing tribute was paid to Nicole Van Laethem (BELAC, Belgian NAB) who had been chairing the EA Multilateral Agreement Council since 2014 and Leopoldo Cortez (IPAC, Portuguese NAB) who had been chairing the Certification Committee since 2010, as well as to Bizerka Bajzek Brezak (HAA, Croatian NAB) and Vagn Andersen (DANAK, Danish NAB) as additional members of the Executive Committee.

Special appreciation and gratitude were also expressed to Rozsa Ring from NAT who successfully managed the merrymaking of the 15th anniversary in parallel to the hosting of the General Assembly. Rozsa was also warmly thanked for her outstanding work and dedication as the EA treasurer since the position was created in 2009.

The renewed membership of the EA Executive Committee to meet on 26-28 January 2016 in Madrid for the first time is detailed in our previous news reporting on the outcome of the EA elections held in May 2015.