Geir Samuelsen, Director General of Norwegian Accreditation, has joined the EA Executive committee as EA Vice-Chair at the EA General Assembly in November 2013. He took over from Daniel Pierre (COFRAC) who retired at the end of October.

Before joining NA as Director General in 2011, he was Deputy Director General of the National Security Authority in Norway. Geir is a civil engineer and has a master’s degree in management.

A deeper look at Geir´s CV reveals 9 years of service with the Norwegian Ministry of Defense. During this period, he spent 3 years at the NATO Headquarters in Brussels, where valuable experience of international cooperation was gained.

Before his election as the EA Vice-Chair in May 2013, Geir stated: “I really look forward to join the EA Executive committee. Working with so many competent people to ensure a strong and reliable conformity assessment system to the European market place, is both daunting and rewarding. I hope to contribute to ensure that end users across Europe enjoy continued confidence in products and services.”