The focus of the 31st CPC meeting was to transform the new EA strategy into SMART communication objectives and an ambitious communication plan.

Once again the development of the EA strategy into a communication plan was the central part of the CPC meeting held on 8th and 9th of March. The CPC vice chair Knut-Thomas Sjölie from the Norwegian accreditation body lead almost a full day workshop elaborating on SMART communication

It was a very active group of participants that strived to develop Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely objectives. “This is not an easy exercise, but the more effort you can put in, the better and easier the rest of the process in developing specific projects and activities gets,” says
Knut-Thomas Sjölie. Peter Kronvall, the CPC chair continues, “Now we have a very good platform to build our communication plan on.”

The meeting continued with approving the document “EA-1/14 Procedure for Development and Approval of EA Documents and the Adoption of ILAC/IAF Documents” for going on voting among the EA members.

Quite long time was spent on discussing the EA website. The EA website has developed over time and the secretariat regularly analyses traffic on the website through the Google Statistics report facility.

The Secretariat will continue to carry out frequent and regular surveillances of the traffic on the EA website, especially after the publication of news, e-news or tweets. This information will then be used to
further improve the website within the current Content Management System, CMS.

The latest web site statistics demonstrate a stable visitor rates for the EA website.

The present EA website has been around for some years and a major revision is needed. This project is planned to start in 2018 and will be an important work item for the CPC next year.

Finally Peter Kronvall says “that he is happy with the development of the work in the CPC and specially that more accreditation bodies now attend the meetings.” In this meeting in Prague, 21 accreditation bodies attended which represents an increase of 2 more EA members in CPC. “Hopefully we can have some more stakeholders attending our CPC meetings in future!”