The next European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer (ECIBC) annual plenary meeting, entitled When Science and Policy collaborate for Health, will take place on 24-25 November 2016 in Italy, near Lake Maggiore. Get involved and provide a poster by 9 September!

Every year ECIBC holds a plenary conference to inform stakeholders, including European Parliament Members, on the progress made by ECIBC projects. This year’s plenary deals with the transfer of science into policy and relates to the preparation for the implementation of the European Quality Assurance (QA) Scheme for Screening and Diagnosis.

The plenary will also elaborate on the relation of ECIBC to national and European policies on breast cancer screening and care. It is worth pointing out the importance of a concrete involvement of all countries, both from the policy implementation point of view (ECIBC National Contacts) and from the
accreditation point of view (National Accreditation Bodies).

Discussions on 24 November will focus on “Science for Policy Development”; those on 25 November will be dedicated to “Policy for Science Implementation”. Please find a draft detailed plenary agenda and more information at:

Because they will play a major role in implementing the future European QA Scheme, EA-member
National Accreditation Bodies (NABs) are particularly invited to prepare and present a poster for the plenary meeting in which they could illustrate the advantages and barriers towards implementation of the Scheme at national level in their own country. A template for posters has been provided by ECIBC for NABs’ guidance.

Participation and/or national posters should be confirmed by Friday 9 September 2016 before the official invitation and registration details are sent to attendants.

For further information, please ask