The JRC is currently developing a European quality assurance scheme for breast cancer services underpinned by Regulation (EC) 765/2008 on accreditation, and to which EA is actively contributing through a working group led by ACCREDIA, the Italian national accreditation body (NAB), since 2014.

EA is pleased to draw your attention to the latest releases by ECIBC – European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer:

o Report on the call for feedback about the scope of the European Quality Assurance scheme for Breast Cancer Services, transparently reports the stakeholders’ feedback received. It shows how the scheme would be implementable by countries and how the new Scope integrates the inputs received.

o Scope of the European Quality Assurance scheme for Breast Cancer Services. As the European QA scheme has to be meaningful and feasible, its scope was enriched by stakeholders’ suggestions. The Scope represents the first milestone in the development process of the European QA scheme.

o The ECIBC Guidelines Platform for all breast care processes emphasises that the need to underpin with evidence the BC care pathway can go hand in hand with the provision to all stakeholders of a ‘one-stop-shop’ for high-quality evidence-based breast cancer guidelines.

o European Guidelines for Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis: the European Breast Guidelines, reports how the ECIBC evidence-based recommendations are being developed with a wide range of contributors and expertise.

o Plenary 2016 – Flash report, highlights from the last ECIBC Plenary.

ECIBC is developing evidence based recommendations for breast cancer screening and diagnosis. Four screening recommendations are now available online, in the coming weeks more recommendations will be made public.

All ECIBC’s reports and publication are available at: