In partnership with the exhibition Measurement World, the new European event dedicated to Measurement, the International Metrology Congress (CIM) will be back from 24 to 26 September 2019 in Paris (France, Paris Porte de Versailles Exhibition Hall 4).

In continuity with the previous editions of the Congress, EA has decided to renew its support to the event in 2019 as one of the major partners. The EA Communications manager will represent EA on the organizing committee.

As was done previously, EA will also co-facilitate a round table with our colleagues of COFRAC, the French national accreditation body.
In addition to the comprehensive Conference programme, several 6 round tables have been planned.

With a focus on the evolution of techniques, advances in Research and Development and industrial best practice, six round tables sessions, coupled with 200 presentations will explore the following topics:

  • Smart sensors for production optimization
  • Additive manufacturing: challenges for measurement and control
  • Training 4.0: major issues
  • New technologies for security and traceability of the measurement chain
  • Metrology for Meteorology
  • ISO/CEI 17025 and risk management. This round table, co-facilitated by EA and COFRAC will bring together representatives of accredited laboratories, prescribers and industry. The objective will be to present and share first feedback on the concrete implementation of the new ISO/CEI 17025.
    The discussions will also be the opportunity to consider the consequences of the requirements, their evolution for the laboratories and their customers, Industry and prescribers.

EA is pleased to relay a Call for papers on Measurement, Metrology and Research and Development. All contributions shall be uploaded before 15 January 2019 on

As for the conference program, it will be published in April 2019.

For further details, please visit CIM 2019 website: