EA held a MAC Refresher Training for Team Members authorized in Management System Certification (EN ISO/IEC 17021-1), Persons Certification (EN ISO/IEC 17024), and Validation and verification (EN ISO/IEC 17029) on 20-21 November 2024 in Brussels, Belgium.

13 participants from the 10 National Accreditation Bodies (NABs) participated in the training led by Claudia Bucur (RENAR, the Romanian NAB), Willem De Lange (RvA, the Dutch NAB), Andriana Lekakou (ESYD, the Greek NAB), and Ankica Barisic (EA Secretariat).

The first part of the training covered general topics crucial for harmonizing evaluators’ work across all accreditation schemes. It included information on MAC (Multilateral Agreement Council) activities and covered general topics from ISO/IEC 17011, NABs personnel competence, accreditation cycles, assessment program, and the risk-based approach assessment.

Practical aspects of the peer evaluation process were also discussed, such as preparation for evaluation including risk-based approach planning of the peer evaluation, preparation for evaluation and implementation of document EA-2/02 S3 M, selection and execution of witnessing and file reviews, and handling findings (writing, classification, closure, root cause, and extent analysis) and common discussions on the examples of reporting of peer evaluations.

Monitoring and feedback on peer evaluations and evaluators including the behaviour issues were also covered.

The next part of the training featured specific breakout sessions where participants discussed and exchanged experiences on issues and requirements specific to Management System Certification, Persons Certification and Validation & Verification.

The training sessions also covered important issues related to the evaluation implementation of applicable ISO standards and IAF& ILAC documents and transitions to them, implementation of the requirements of the document EA 2/17 M and EU directive and regulations relevant for the Management System Certification, Persons Certification, and Validation & Verification.

The training led to several common conclusions and improvement proposals for the evaluation process across all scopes. Key points included risk-based planning, thorough issue investigation before raising findings, carefully addressing isolated cases, proper team contributions during peer evaluations, clear wording of findings, and sharing feedback with relevant NAB staff before the closing meeting.

Additionally, conclusions included the importance of contributing to the evaluation report based on the evidence, proper and timely team contribution to NAB’s response to the findings, evaluation of the root cause analysis, extension, impact, and corrective action plans, and request of evidence based on the risk associated with a finding.

Regular refresher training sessions are crucial for strengthening the EA MLA system, as they provide an opportunity to enhance the harmonization of evaluators’ work and perspectives on specific issues in the peer-evaluation process. These sessions keep evaluators updated on new requirements, changes in peer-evaluation procedures, and areas for improvement, fostering the sharing of experiences among peers.

Given that the previous two Refresher trainings in these three areas were performed online due to the Covid crisis in 2021 and 2022, the participants expressed their great satisfaction in exchanging their experiences with colleagues and discussing all topics live.