EA publications

This page provides access to all publications published by EA. Links to EA documents are set out below.

Application documents

For conformity assessment bodies providing technical or scientific guidance for the application of standards (ISO/IEC17025, ISO 15189, ISO/IEC 17020, ISO/IEC 17024, ISO/IEC 17029, and ISO/IEC 17065). The documents are either: Mandatory (M)  or Informative (INF) and could be from EA, IAF and ILAC.

Governance and Policy documents

Documents relating to the operation of EA as an association and a legal entity. Documents numbers with an “A” are relevant for the Association EA; numbers with an “AB” are relevant for members of EA.

Information documents

Information publications, EA brochure, etc.

Members' Procedural documents

Procedures, requirements application documents etc for accreditation bodies published to introduce and ensure consistency into accreditation practice by all EA MLA signatories when accrediting to international harmonized standards and technical specifications. The documents are either: Mandatory (M) or Guidance (G) or Informative (INF).

Peer Evaluation Process documents

Policy and procedural documents documents for the operation and management of the EA peer evaluation system, training of evaluators and liaison with the Arrangement Committees of ILAC and IAF.

Secretariat Management system and operational documents

Documents and procedures used by the EA Secretariat.

EA Communications

IAF/ILAC documents

The international documents adopted by EA are listed in EA-INF/01 List of EA Publications and International Documents, and available on IAF website and ILAC website.

The international documents adopted by EA are listed in EA-INF/01 List of EA Publications and International Documents, and available on IAF website and ILAC website.

Do you have comments/suggestions on the publications?  Then, please use this Document Improvement Form and submit it to the Secretariat.

Please note that comments might be considered as inputs in the next revisions, no direct feedback should be awaited.