On 27-28 May 2015, the 34th EA General Assembly in Athens, Greece, held elections for the renewal of the EA Executive Committee for the next two-year mandate starting on 1 January 2016.

Thomas Facklam (DAkkS) (our picture) and Geir Samuelsen (NA), the current EA Chair and Vice-Chair respectively, were re-elected at the latest EA General Assembly for another two-year mandate starting on 1 January 2016.

The EA Executive Committee will still include the current Chairs of the EA Horizontal Harmonization, Ignacio Pina (ENAC), the EA Inspection Committee, Rolf Straub (SAS) and the EA Communications and Publications Committee, Peter Kronvall (SWEDAC).

Paulo Tavares (IPAC) was elected the Chair of the EA Multilateral Agreement Council; he will replace Nicole Van Laethem (BELAC) who has been chairing the Council since 2014.

Laurent Vinson (COFRAC), who is currently the acting Chair of the Committee after Natalija Jovicic Zaric (ATS) stepped down on 1 April, was elected the Chair of the EA Laboratory Committee.

Kevin Belson (UKAS) was elected the Chair of the EA Certification Committee to replace Leopoldo Cortez (IPAC), who has been chairing the Committee since 2010.

Rozsa Ring (NAT) and Jan van der Poel (RvA) were re-elected additional members of the Executive Committee; Maria Papatzikou (ESYD) and Emanuele Riva (ACCREDIA) were elected the two other additional members in order to replace Bizerka Bajzek Brezak (HAA) and Vagn Andersen (DANAK).

Claudio Boffa (NAB-MALTA), Jiri Ruzicka (CAI) and Paul Stennett (UKAS) were re-elected the three members of the EA Financial Oversight Committee.

The first meeting of the new elected Executive Committee, together with Andreas Steinhorst, the EA-employed EA Executive Secretary, will take place on 26-28 January 2016 in Madrid, Spain.