Nominations for EA Advisory Board (EAAB) Members to be renewed on 17 October 2018 are called for until 15 September 2018.
The EAAB gives continuous support to EA work and provides advice to EA on a broad range of issues. The Board’s discussions focus on issues relating to harmonisation and policy on accreditation.
The Board’s composition constitutes a well-balanced representation of the parties which rely on and contribute to the European accreditation system. It is composed of representatives from: the conformity assessment community; industry, services and trade; the EU Member States’ national authorities; the consumer associations; the European metrological institutions; the European standardisation organisations; the European Commission and European Free Trade Association (EFTA).
At its last meeting on 3 May 2018, the EAAB has decided to grant one additional seat within the Board to those European private scheme owners that are also EA Recognised Stakeholders. There are currently 6 relevant scheme owners who may appoint one representative to coordinate and express their views on political issues.
Further information on the EAAB role and operation, especially the EAAB Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure, is provided on the EA website at:
Because the current mandate of EAAB Members will expire in autumn 2018, new nominations or confirmation of renewals from all members are called for until 15 September 2018.