The JRC is currently developing a European quality assurance scheme for breast cancer services underpinned by Regulation (EC) 765/2008 on accreditation, and to which EA is actively contributing through a working group led by ACCREDIA, the Italian national accreditation body (NAB), since 2014.
EA is pleased to draw your attention to the latest releases by ECIBC – European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer:
- After the general scope of the European Breast Guidelines was drafted by the Guidelines Development Group, we launched a public call for feedback. The call was open from 18 December 2015 to 17 January 2016 and 82 valid responses from citizens and stakeholders were received via an on-line questionnaire. In line with the ECIBC policy on openness and transparency, we are now publishing a Report on the call. This report summarises the feedback received, explains the methodology used and outlines how the input was integrated in the new Scope of the European Breast Guidelines.
- Although the breast unit model was, at its inception, widely acclaimed as a valid and innovative tool, the data collected in 30 countries indicates that its implementation has remained patchy. Our Report of a European Survey on the Implementation of Breast Units confirms the need of a renewed evidence-based approach to truly impact on the quality of breast cancer care.
- The 2016 ECIBC Plenary, under the title ‘When science and policy collaborate for health’, took place on 24-25 November 2016, in Varese, Italy. The Final Report brings you highlights of the meeting and a summary of its conclusions.
ECIBC is developing evidence based recommendations for breast cancer screening and diagnosis. Soon more recommendations will enrich the six currently available online.