As approved by EA Members at the latest EA General Assembly meeting in November 2014, EA bears a new logo from 9 April 2015. The new versatile logo is simultaneously displayed on the EA web pages, EA publications and EA marketing material.

Since EA was created in 2000, the previous EA logo has been growing old whereas EA has been developing a new, more official status linked to the European Commission (EC). The EA logo should be re-designed to make more people aware of how EA has become an important and modern cooperation structure both in Europe and worldwide.

According to the EA Marketing and Communication Plan 2011-2015, the EA Communications and Publications Committee has elaborated on a new EA logo to strengthen EA’s corporate identity.

This attractive and unique logo is part of EA’s new visual identity which is deemed to give a favorable picture of the organization representing the character and core values of the organization, thus increasing EA members’ feeling of affiliation.

The new EA logo’s design is more modern; it suits both print and online contents. Whereas the former logo had only a horizontal alignment, the new one can be displayed in horizontal, vertical and square versions, allowing more flexibility for inserting it into different supports. The new design also includes a yellow star to make a visible connection to the European Union and the European Commission (EC).

Consolidating EA’s corporate identity proved a real necessity since the adoption of European Regulation (EC) 765/2008, which led to the reinforcement of EA’s cooperation with the EC and the ETFA, EA’s increased collaboration with various major stakeholders, and the acknowledged need for promoting accreditation values and advocating European rules and policies at the international level.

I am pleased to present the new EA logo as we celebrate our 15th anniversary this year. The new logo is certainly part of the continuous evolution of EA and the improved way EA should communicate with our Members and Stakeholders”, says Thomas Facklam, the EA Chairman.