Further to the adoption of the new EA logo in last April, EA Members and partners are invited to use it keeping in mind some rules as published in revised EA-1/19 in May 2015.
EA Members and contracts of cooperation (COC) signatories, who may or may not be signatories to the EA multilateral agreement or a bilateral agreement, as well as EA stakeholder or partner organizations, can use the EA logo according to the rules published in EA-1/19 A – Rules for Use of the EA Logo.
These rules set out that, before using the EA logo, potential users shall in any case get authorisation from the EA Secretariat by sending it a written request that briefly gives the details and a template of the intended use of the logo.
The EA logo can be used to demonstrate EA membership, COC signatory status or any other formal partnership with EA. The logo shall be combined with a disclaimer describing the type of relationship with EA (e.g. “full member of EA”, “signatory of a MoU with EA”).
Obviously the use of the EA logo shall be in support of EA activities and/or values and bear no conflict with the European policy for accreditation.
The use of the EA logo shall not in any way imply that a product, service or training is endorsed by EA or is covered by accreditation. The EA logo shallnot be used by organisations accredited by EA Members.
Please read carefully our document EA-1/19 A – Rules for Use of the EA Logo before using the EA logo.