The Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQs), answered by the EA Certification Committee (CC), have been updated after its meeting last September and are now available on the EA website.

Every EA technical committee manages FAQs on the application of those specific standards which they are in charge of. Questions are submitted by committees’ Members before the committees’ meetings, at which they are discussed and answered. Due to an increasing number of submitted questions, the FAQs process within the EACC had to become more elaborate in order for a maximum of questions to be answered within the allotted meeting time.

After the 34th meeting of the EA Certification Committee (EA CC) the FAQs have been updated and are now available in section Publications, at

The EACC draws readers’ careful attention on the fact that the answers, which give the consensus view of the Committee, are intended for informational purposes and should not be used as official guidance for the implementation of the requirements of the standards concerned.